Monday, January 26, 2015
Convention Appearance!!!! Route 3!!! The Gilded Age!!! Exclamation marks!!
Wow. It's been a whiiiiiillllleeeeeee since I've been on here. :-)
I've got some awesome goodies ready to give.
Wow. That sounded weird.
Let's move on......
If you're in the Atlanta area I'll be at the Atlanta Sci-Fi & Fantasy Expo on Feb 21-22, along with the awesomely talented John Robert McGuire (The Gilded Age, The Dark That Follows).
We'll be nerding out amongst such great creators as David Walker (Dynamite Comic's Shaft), Afua Richardson (Top Cow's Genius), Bobby Nash (Ghost Gal: The Wild Hunt), Milton Davis (Meji, Griots: A Sword and Soul Anthology), attending fun/ informative panels, talking comics, and just having a great time.
Head here for more information, and stay posted for updates.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Glyph Comics Awards/ Writer's World Tour
To begin with....
ROUTE 3 #2 WON THE 2014 GLPYHS COMIC AWARD FOR BEST COVER! Info can be found here:
You can buy the book, along with other awesome Terminus Media titles here
It's been a loooooonnnnnggggg time so I'm going to make this short and sweet. :-) Will follow up with a more thorough rundown of life in general.
- My fellow writer/ brother in creative arms John Robert McGuire got me to jump on board a Chain Blog Tour. Basically it's an opportunity to highlight the awesome talents of some fellow writers, and get your eyes on these great guys and gals. I'll begin first with Mr. McGuire.
John McGuire is an engineer by day and writer by night. He attended Georgia Tech to obtain a civil engineering degree. While his left brain absorbed information on E-mag, Calculus, Statics, Dynamics, Structures and Road Design; his right brain devoured the works of Jack London, Mark Twain, Anne Rice, Alan Moore, Kurt Busiek, and Mark Wade. Today, John is a registered professional engineer and professional writer.
His love and collection of comic books began when he was 10, in a convenience store in Waycross, Georgia. It wasn’t long afterwards when he started writing his first comic related stories. This passion has continued throughout his adult life as he remains an avid comic book reader and collector.
In 2002, he was a founding member of Terminus Media. It began as a writer’s collective in the back of the Dragon’s Horde Comic Book Store in Decatur, GA. Through the next decade Terminus, published anthologies in which John was both an editor and contributor. The Gilded Age, published in 2013, is his first on-going series. The relationship with Terminus also grew into some Work for Hire opportunities for both corporate and government entities.
In 2009, John joined Headhunta Studios, a collective of Artists and Writers. In 2013, Tiger Style was published by Arena Comics. John currently has projects in production for Arena Comics.
In 2010, John took the story telling skills that he had learned and applied them to the writing of novels and short stories. The Dark That Follows is John McGuire’s debut Novel.
Second writer to soon follow. :-)
ROUTE 3 #2 WON THE 2014 GLPYHS COMIC AWARD FOR BEST COVER! Info can be found here:
You can buy the book, along with other awesome Terminus Media titles here
It's been a loooooonnnnnggggg time so I'm going to make this short and sweet. :-) Will follow up with a more thorough rundown of life in general.
- My fellow writer/ brother in creative arms John Robert McGuire got me to jump on board a Chain Blog Tour. Basically it's an opportunity to highlight the awesome talents of some fellow writers, and get your eyes on these great guys and gals. I'll begin first with Mr. McGuire.
John McGuire is an engineer by day and writer by night. He attended Georgia Tech to obtain a civil engineering degree. While his left brain absorbed information on E-mag, Calculus, Statics, Dynamics, Structures and Road Design; his right brain devoured the works of Jack London, Mark Twain, Anne Rice, Alan Moore, Kurt Busiek, and Mark Wade. Today, John is a registered professional engineer and professional writer.
His love and collection of comic books began when he was 10, in a convenience store in Waycross, Georgia. It wasn’t long afterwards when he started writing his first comic related stories. This passion has continued throughout his adult life as he remains an avid comic book reader and collector.
In 2002, he was a founding member of Terminus Media. It began as a writer’s collective in the back of the Dragon’s Horde Comic Book Store in Decatur, GA. Through the next decade Terminus, published anthologies in which John was both an editor and contributor. The Gilded Age, published in 2013, is his first on-going series. The relationship with Terminus also grew into some Work for Hire opportunities for both corporate and government entities.
In 2009, John joined Headhunta Studios, a collective of Artists and Writers. In 2013, Tiger Style was published by Arena Comics. John currently has projects in production for Arena Comics.
In 2010, John took the story telling skills that he had learned and applied them to the writing of novels and short stories. The Dark That Follows is John McGuire’s debut Novel.
Second writer to soon follow. :-)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Ramblin' thoughts of thanks

It's early Thanksgiving morn', 2013, and I'm sitting here running through the list of things I'm grateful for. Grateful for the fact that the chemo seems to be taking for my Dad. Thankful for my wonderful, beautiful, smart, awesomely great wife resting with the crazy mutt in the other room. Grateful for my brother who kicks ass on a second by second basis. Grateful for a supportive, and strength providing mom and stepdad, who step in at the most needed of times.
2013 has been a year of ups and downs, sideways face punches (on both a personal and professional front), kidney shots, blessings, curses, etc., etc. But in spite of all of that, I'm hella thankful.
2013 was the year that saw the publication of four books that I had a hand in writing/ creating (Route 3 #1 & #2, Radio Free Amerika #2, Terminus Team-Up #1). It was a year in which I had a chance to meet in person one of the dudes in this writing game that I look up to for advice, and getting his eyes on my work. This was a year that saw me head to some of the best comic conventions around, and spread the Terminus Media love to the masses. And don't get me started on the support/ love I've received on the Route 3 front.
It's so far been a year where as I writer I feel I've grown, but still realize I need to keep the growth going. It's been a year where as a person, on a variety of fronts, the growth is ever continuing. A year where the confidence has grown in spades, while at the same time the doubt has also kept pace (though it's somewhat slowing down). It's a constant thing, this whole having faith in myself on a variety of fronts.
But I'm headed in the right direction.
I'm thankful/ grateful for the ability to just do what I love. To simply love, live, write, be surrounded by folks who simply give a damn. For those who don't, fuck 'em. At a point where I'm thankful to even be at that spot, where the concerns/bad vibes of others are a very small point of my life.
Nerd thanks:

Thankful for finally watching Misfits.

Thankful for Sleepy Hollow/ Almost Human realizing that actors of color can kick major ass just as well as their Caucasian brethren in sci-fi/ fantasy/ horror shows. Heck, we can all kick creative sci-fi/ fantasy ass together with a great story, production team, and just an all round desire to entertain to best of our abilities.

Thankful for Terminus Media, and the talented editing and advice that my fellow soldiers in the trenches lob my way day in and day out.
Hella thankful for Sean Hill, BlkAnt, Omi, and Khari.
Thankful for a damn release date for the next Star Wars movie.
Thankful for the support of folks on the comic book buying front. Folks who just heard about the concept for these funny books and supported the books.

Thankful to Netflix and Marvel teaming up. Street level Marvel Comics. :-) Awesome.
Thankful for getting to play a little bit in the backyards of Marvel and DC, even it was only for a day or so. :-) Brother's dreams came true.
Thankful for seeing indy creators realizing that we don't necessarily need the big two to tell our stories. We can do it. We can do it. Dammit, we can do it.
To quote the great Mal Reynolds: "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty".
Done ramblin' for the day. :-)
Y'all have a great Thanksgiving, eat a lot of food, hug a loved one, volunteer, watch some football, them binge watch hell out of the below Netflix series:
1. 4400
2. Battlestar Galactica
3. The Office
4. Alphas
Sunday, August 11, 2013
August 17th! Head on down for the world premiere of Radio Free Amerika #2, co-written by yours truly! Really proud of this series/ book! Head to for more info!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Black Science Fiction Society Interview
Really, really had a great time doing this. Check out the interview here.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
FCBD May 4th! The Dragon's Horde & Odin's Comics! Yeaaaahhh bbbbbooooyyy!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Gonna do better....
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